South Florida and Treasure Coast
Divorce Mediation Attorney
Under Florida family and matrimonial law, the court will usually require you to take disputed divorce issues concerning children, custody, child support, distribution of assets and liabilities or alimony to mediation before a Family Court judge will hear your case. In other situations, divorcing couples sometimes find that they can make a satisfactory resolution of the issues between them if they try to resolve all of them through mediation, eliminating the need to go to court. If you’re interested in working toward a negotiated settlement of all issues in your divorce through family mediation, contact my office for a free telephone consultation.
South Florida and Treasure Coast Divorce Mediation Attorney
Under Florida family and matrimonial law, the court will usually require you to take disputed divorce issues concerning children, custody, child support, distribution of assets and liabilities or alimony to mediation before a Family Court judge will hear your case. In other situations, divorcing couples sometimes find that they can make a satisfactory resolution of the issues between them if they try to resolve all of them through mediation, eliminating the need to go to court. If you’re interested in working toward a negotiated settlement of all issues in your divorce through family mediation, contact my office for a free telephone consultation.

Mediation Law
In Family Court mediation, each party presents its case on the disputed problem to a neutral mediator who helps narrow the issues, encourages settlement, and finally recommends a resolution, which is essentially a prediction of how a judge would decide the case. Although the parties are not required either to settle the matter or to accept the mediator’s recommendation, most people reject the recommendation at considerable risk of disappointment in a formal court hearing, with the added inconvenience of additional attorney’s fees.
Some divorcing spouses may not need a judge to decide certain matters, because they’re confident of their ability to agree on such matters as property division, alimony, child support, and child custody. They might well need an attorney’s help, however, is making sure that their divorce settlement covers all of the subjects that need to be covered, that none of the terms of their agreement are unlawful or unenforceable, and that neither party is giving up important rights without understanding what they’re agreeing to. A divorce lawyer or a mediator is also usually necessary for properly drafting the terms of your agreement in a form suitable for presentation to the Family Court for approval.
As an experienced South Florida and Treasure Coast divorce lawyer who wants her clients to achieve good results quickly and at an affordable cost, I’m always glad to help unrepresented divorcing couples avoid court by serving as a private mediator. You and your spouse can agree to work with one another and with me to reach an agreement on the terms of your divorce settlement. I work as a neutral to make sure that your agreement is legally sound and complete. I also assist with keeping your focus on the matters to be resolved and not on such distractions as resentment, blame, or guilt, which can come up even when the spouses remain on fairly good terms.
Once a judge reviews the agreement for completeness and proper form, he or she will approve your settlement and finalize your divorce.

Mediation Law
In Family Court mediation, each party presents its case on the disputed problem to a neutral mediator who helps narrow the issues, encourages settlement, and finally recommends a resolution, which is essentially a prediction of how a judge would decide the case. Although the parties are not required either to settle the matter or to accept the mediator’s recommendation, most people reject the recommendation at considerable risk of disappointment in a formal court hearing, with the added inconvenience of additional attorney’s fees.
Some divorcing spouses may not need a judge to decide certain matters, because they’re confident of their ability to agree on such matters as property division, alimony, child support, and child custody. They might well need an attorney’s help, however, is making sure that their divorce settlement covers all of the subjects that need to be covered, that none of the terms of their agreement are unlawful or unenforceable, and that neither party is giving up important rights without understanding what they’re agreeing to. A divorce lawyer or a mediator is also usually necessary for properly drafting the terms of your agreement in a form suitable for presentation to the Family Court for approval.
As an experienced South Florida and Treasure Coast divorce lawyer who wants her clients to achieve good results quickly and at an affordable cost, I’m always glad to help unrepresented divorcing couples avoid court by serving as a private mediator. You and your spouse can agree to work with one another and with me to reach an agreement on the terms of your divorce settlement. I work as a neutral to make sure that your agreement is legally sound and complete. I also assist with keeping your focus on the matters to be resolved and not on such distractions as resentment, blame, or guilt, which can come up even when the spouses remain on fairly good terms.
Once a judge reviews the agreement for completeness and proper form, he or she will approve your settlement and finalize your divorce.
Free Consultation
For further information about my ability to serve as a private divorce mediator in a case where you and your spouse prefer not to engage separate attorneys, contact me at The Law Offices of Peggy Cruz-Townsend, P.A.
Free Consultation
For further information about my ability to serve as a private divorce mediator in a case where you and your spouse prefer not to engage separate attorneys, contact me at The Law Offices of Peggy Cruz-Townsend, P.A.