South Florida Simple Wills Attorney
A Florida will is a formal document in which an individual can indicate who will inherit the assets of that individual upon their death. In Florida, a will must be in writing and it must be signed at the end of the will in the presence of two witnesses.
A will should be prepared by an attorney to ensure its accuracy. Preparation of a will by someone that is not a lawyer is risky and may be a costly choice if said will is improperly drafted or improperly executed.

South Florida Simple Wills Attorney
A Florida will is a formal document in which an individual can indicate who will inherit the assets of that individual upon their death. In Florida, a will must be in writing and it must be signed at the end of the will in the presence of two witnesses.
A will should be prepared by an attorney to ensure its accuracy. Preparation of a will by someone that is not a lawyer is risky and may be a costly choice if said will is improperly drafted or improperly executed.
Free Consultation
Contact us today for a free phone consultation regarding the drafting of your simple will.
Free Consultation
Contact us today for a free phone consultation regarding the drafting of your simple will.